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William Soutar

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Publications about Soutar

The Life Story of William Soutar
Alexander Reid.
Scotland's Magazine: September 1954, volume 50, number 9
William Soutar: Bibliographical Notes
W R Aitken.
The Bibliotheck: 1957, volume 1, number 2
Still Life: William Soutar 1898-1943
Alexander Scott.
Edinburgh: Chambers, 1958
William Soutar, 1898-1943: The Man and the Poet: An Essay
George Bruce.
Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1978
On William Soutar
Chapman 53, volume 10, number 4.
Blackford, Perthshire: Chapman, 1988
At the Year's Fa': The Remembering of a Friendship
Alex Galloway.
Perth: Perth and Kinross Libraries, 2001
Available from A K Bell Library �4.95
Gang Doun wi a Sang: a Play about William Soutar
Joy Hendry.
Edinburgh: Diehard, 1995
Available from A K Bell Library �4.95
The Righteousness of Life
William Soutar: A Poet's Scottish Predilection for Philosophy.
Heidelinde Pruger.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 1998
Journey Without Ending: The Journals of William Soutar
Heidelinde Pruger.
Salzburg, Austria: Poetry Salzburg, 2001

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