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Craigie Knowes

Craigie Knowes viewed from Cherrybank.

Yon Toun

Hae ye come in be yon toun
Ablow the Craigie Knowes?
Hae ye come in be yon toun
Whaur the clear water rows?
Birk and rodden on the brae,
Hawthorn in the hauch;
And clear water churlin by
The elder and the sauch.
At day-daw and at grey-fa'
the merry bells ding doun:
At day-daw and grey-fa'
There's music in yon toun.

Merlie and mavie whistle clear;
And when the hour is still
Haikers owre the auld brig hear
The gowk upon the hill.
Wha wudna bide in yon toun
Ablow the Craigie Knowes?
Wha wudna bide in yon toun
Whaur the clear water rows?


ablow - below; rows - flows; birk - birch; rodden - rowan; brae - hill;
hauch - low ground; churlin - gurgling; sauch - willow; day-daw - dawn; grey-fa' - twilight;
merlie - blackbird; mavie - song thrush; haikers - walkers; gowk - cuckoo; bide - live.

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